Jesus tells a powerful parable in Matthew 13 that produces a FREEZE FRAME for us of two men who went all out to secure a treasure that they could not pass up. “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field. When a man discovered it, he buried it again. He...
There is a whisper going around the country about Kanye West. Many wonder if his conversion is real. Others of us marvel at the unbelief expressed in that sentiment. All of us are beginning to see the implications as the news rolls out. “Now that I’m in service to...
For Such An Hour As This When, in the course of human events, a dark cloud of moral morass settles over a once righteous republic, when the foundations upon which this republic is built begin to erode, and when the attack upon those foundations is relentless, God...
News Flash: We Are God’s Masterpiece I have an announcement to make today to everyone far and wide: People are created in God’s image. They are, in fact, God’s masterpiece! It is written in our DNA, the information strand that has enough unique...
God loves people of influence, and He has a wonderful plan for their life. He loves the talented, the gifted and the famous just as much as he loves the poor, the humble and the rejected. He knows that deep down inside, everyone is basically the same. Everyone has a...